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Press Release ACHED FR:

March 23rd, 2022

Russian experience with permanent DST and how it played out for Putin in 2011-14


French Citizens’ Association
for Equitable
and Sustainable times,

Since 1983 for the end of
double DST  in France


Journalistes, retrouvez les communiqués de presse ici.

Reuters 2012: Putin woos Russians by pledging to turn back clock
Timeandate 2010: Thousands Protest Time Zone Changes in Russia
Timeanddate 2011: Ukraine eliminates Daylight Saving Time (DST), backtracked in October.
Timeanddate 2014: Russia Returns to Standard Time All Year
Timeanddate 2014 Ukraine: Luhansk and Donetsk move to Moscow Time
BBC 2014: Russia: Putin abolishes 'daylight savings' time change

Reuters 2019: Timeline: Vladimir Putin - 20 tumultuous years as Russian President or PM

Pour toute question ou précision, contacter

Page published on March 23, 2022

ACHED FR Association Citoyenne Heure Equitable et Durable Anciennement Association Contre l’Heure d'Eté Double

Contact presse :  Tel +33-9 77 19 91 14  sms +33-6 86 452 452   Portal www.ached.fr       Presse http://heure-ete.net/ached.htm

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